Submitted by Maya on Jun, 13
Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Mount Pleasant Cemetery makes me feel peaceful because of nature. I ride my scooter. We live right next to it. Maya would find letters and read the inscriptions in the rocks, the names and what they say. Mom runs in the cemetery, to build up for 10 and 15 Ks. The cemetery looks different at different times of the year- you can really see the seasons change. You can walk there even in the winter.
How is this object or story important to you?

Mom used to do a lot of photography, and a lot of stuff from her first exhibit came from the cemetary. When we first moved to Toronto from Houston it was unsettling and our family didn't feel like moving, so taking pictures of the cemetary helped the transition into this new place. It's not about rocks or burials, it's about nature and having this huge park in the middle of the city. It's a place to retreat for a run or a nature walk in the middle of this urban environment.